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Troubleshooting: Artifact Not Set

This error occurs when there is no project artifact available for the scan goal to analyze. This typically indicates that the scan goal has been:

  1. included in a module that does not produce an artifact (e.g. a module of type pom).
  2. configured to run before the project’s artifact has been built.

Only Include in Modules that Produce Artifacts

The scan goal should only be included in modules that produce a build artifact (e.g. a module that produces a jar or war file).

When configuring a multi-module build, users may erroneously include the scan goal in the build of a parent pom, and parent poms do not produce build artifacts. In a multi-module project, verify that the scan goal is only included in projects that produce a war or jar artifact. Reference the multi-module example.

Configure Scan to Run After the Build Produces an Artifact

Maven typically generates an artifact during the package phase. By default, the scan goal runs after the package phase during the verify phase.

You may have overridden the plugin’s default phase so that the scan goal runs during an earlier phase before the artifact has been built (e.g. the test phase). In this case, the scan goal will not be able to find an artifact to scan. Make sure to attach the scan goal to a later phase (such as the default verify phase).