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How Integrated Analysis Works

Integrated analysis works by placing statements into running code using the safe and appropriate technique for each language:

When code is loaded, the agent leaves most code alone. For security-sensitive methods the agent will add a statement to the beginning or end of a method:

ALOAD 1INVOKESTATIC Ljava.lang.System.println(Ljava.lang.String;)RETURN
ALOAD 1INVOKESTATIC Lcom.contrastsecurity.IsItSafe(Ljava.lang.String;)ALOAD 1INVOKESTATIC Ljava.lang.System.println(Ljava.lang.String;)RETURN

Having security as part of the bytecode enables several optimizations:

  • Security checks only run on relevant methods. Files are checked for File attacks rather than SQL attacks. Defenses can avoid unnecessary decoding/encoding checks by integrating into the encoder/decoder.
  • Security checks undergo JIT optimizations, making them faster over time.
  • Developers do not need to modify any existing code.